Pictionary Board Game Rules

First released in 1985, Pictionary is a game that is a combination of drawings and words. More precisely the players in teams need to guess words from their teammates drawings. I actually really like the name, which the author of the game chose for it as it’s simple – original – Yes, I have checked it and there are actually no other mentions with this word in Google, other than all the results basically talk about this game only. That’s always a good positive point as what I don’t like is seeing so many, not only games, but products in general that you simply confuse it with other products very easily. Especially when you go and search in Google. Pictionary is not only unique, but also very faithful to its core and purpose – the name nicely describes and tells us that the game has a lot to do with pictures – we can even say that the most important role in this game play pictures together with words – oh, now I realized something that maybe not even the inventor originally thought about – the second half of the word Pictionary actually reminds you of dictionary – meaning that you are actually connecting images to words haha.
Where To Buy
If you want to buy this (or anything else), always go via the following website so that you get the best rated model for the lowest price: https://www.dbestest.com/pictionary-board-game
Pictionary Rules