What’s The Correct Set of Arrows?

This is a nice example of a puzzle that it is culture free as there is no need for a knowledge of a certain language. Not even numbers are really needed with this task. Most people will rather quickly eliminate 2 of the options offered here. Some will answer within a very short time, but I’m actually sure that there are going to be people really contemplating between 2 options. I’m not going to tell you which ones of course as it would be a fun destroyed for those people I was referring to. Anyway I’m sure that most of you will finally choose the correct answer after properly comparing the rows and columns 😉

So here comes the question: In each row below, there are four sets of arrows (A, B, C, D). Each set consists of three arrows pointing in different directions. Your task is to determine which set of arrows (A, B, C, D) logically follows the pattern established by the first two arrows in the row.

Row 1:

→ ↑ ↓

A) ← → ↓ B) ↑ ← → C) ↓ ↑ ← D) ← ↓ ↑

Which set of arrows (A, B, C, D) logically continues the pattern established by the first two arrows in Row 1?